The EXPOWER project combines a broad spectrum of key research and training activities on Multi-Exponential Analysis with applications in industry, that are currently being undertaken in some premier research institutes. The network is interdisciplinary, intersectoral, unconventional and ambitious. It is unconventional in the sense that it connects stakeholders from seemingly separately developed fields: computational harmonic analysis, numerical linear algebra, computer algebra, nonlinear approximation theory, digital signal processing and their applications, in one and more variables. It is ambitious because the consortium stretches from mathematics to computational science and engineering and industry.

Multi-exponential analysis might sound remote, but it touches our daily lives in many surprising ways, even if most people are unaware of how important it is. For example, a substantial amount of effort in signal processing and time series analysis is essentially dedicated to the analysis of multi-exponential functions. Multi-exponential analysis is also fundamental to several research fields and application domains that are the subject of the EXPOWER proposal: remote sensing, antenna design, digital imaging, testing and metrology, all impacting some major societal or industrial challenges such as energy, transportation, space research, health and telecommunications.

The EXPOWER Beneficiaries and Third Country Partners, each bringing in their own complementary expertise, aim at solving some core challenges where the different domains involved with multi-exponential analysis meet. We target game-changing breakthroughs that will deliver a competitive advantage to industry. The EXPOWER project connects 10 countries, 9 universities, 3 international research institutes and 8 companies to explore this highly relevant thematic.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101008231