
International journals

R. Sengupta, A. Cuyt, F. Knaepkens, D. S. Prinsloo, T. Schäfer, and A. B. Smolders. A Fast Exponential Analysis and Variable Projection Based Method for Linear Array Synthesis. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2025, to appear.

Rina-Mari Weideman, Annie Cuyt, Dirk I. L. de Villiers. Characterising the Electric Field Ripple in Reflector Antennas Using Sub-Sampled Exponential Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 72. no. 7, 2024, (doi).

Annie Cuyt, Sem Peelman, Irem Yaman. How to Deal With Interpolation Points That Are Not Well-Spaced in Polynomial and Rational Interpolation. Maple Transactions, Vol. 4 No. 3, 2024, (doi).

Costanza Conti, Mariantonia Cotronei. Triangular Bernstein moment-based identification of algebraic curves. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 215, pp. 270-281, 2024, (doi).

Gerlind Plonka, Yannick Riebe. MOCCA: A Fast Algorithm for Parallel MRI Reconstruction Using Model Based Coil Calibration. University of Göttingen, technical report, 2024, (arXiv).

Bernhard Beckermann, Ana C Matos. Solving singular integral equations with orthogonal rational functions. University of Lille, techical report, 2024, (hal).

Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee. Multiscale matrix pencils for separable reconstruction problems. Numerical Algorithms, vol. 95, pp. 31-72, 2024, (doi).

Ben Yahya, Abdelmajid, Nick Van Oosterwyck, Ferre Knaepkens, Simon Houwen, Stijn Herregodts, Jan Herregodts, Bart Vanwalleghem, Annie Cuyt, and Stijn Derammelaere. CAD-Based Design Optimization of Four-Bar Mechanisms: An Emergency Ventilator Case Study. Designs 7, no. 2: 38, 2023, (doi).

Johan Gielis, Ilia Tavkhelidze, Paolo Emilio Ricci. Generalized Möbius-Listing bodies and the heart. Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 13(2), 58-70, 2023.

Fei Lu, Miao-Jung Yvonne Ou. An adaptive RKHS regularization for Fredholm integral equations. University of Delaware, Technical report, 2023, (arXiv).

Nadiia Derevianko, Gerlind Plonka. Differential approximation of the Gaussian by short cosine sums with exponential error decay. University of Göttingen, techical report, 2023, (arXiv).

Annie Cuyt, Naomi Flamand and Ferre Knaepkens. On the conditioning of some structured generalized eigenvalue problems. Maple Transactions, 3(3):Article 16540, 2023, (doi).

Peijian Shi, Long Chen, Brady K. Quinn, Kexin Yu, Qinyue Miao, Xuchen Guo, Meng Lian, Johan Gielis, Karl J. Niklas. A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences 1524:118–131, 2023, (doi). 

Peijian Shi, Lin Wang, Brady K. Quinn, Johan Gielis. A New Program to Estimate the Parameters of Preston’s Equation, a General Formula for Describing the Egg Shape of Birds. Symmetry, 15(1), article 231, 2023, (doi).

Gerlind Plonka, Yannick Riebe, Yurii Kolomoitsev. Spline Representation and Redundancies of One-Dimensional ReLU Neural Network Models. Analysis and Applications 21(01), 127-163, 2023, (doi).

Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt. On the robustness of exponential base terms and the Pad ́e denominator in some least squares sense. Numerical Algorithms, 92, 747–766, 2023, (doi).

Nadiia Derevianko, Gerlind Plonka, Raha Razavi. ESPRIT versus ESPIRA for reconstruction of short cosine sums and its application. Numerical Algorithms 92, 437-470, 2022, (arXiv).

Nadiia Derevianko, Gerlind Plonka, Markus Petz. From ESPRIT to ESPIRA: Estimation of Signal Parameters by Iterative Rational Approximation. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 43(2), 789–827, 2022, (doi).

Chuan Bi, Kenneth Fishbein, Mustapha Bouhrara, Richard G. Spencer. Stabilization of parameter estimates from multiexponential decay through extension into higher dimensions. Scientific Reports, 12(1):5773, 2022, (doi).

Bernhard Beckermann, Joanna Bisch, Robert Luce. On the rational approximation of Markov functions, with applications to the computation of Markov functions of Toeplitz matrices. Numerical Algorithms, 91, 109-144, 2022, (doi).

Nadiia Derevianko, Gerlind Plonka. Exact Reconstruction of Extended Exponential Sums Using Rational Approximation of their Fourier Coefficients. Analysis and Applications, 20(3), 543-577, 2022 (doi).

Peijian Shi, Johan Gielis, Karl J. Niklas. Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1514(1), 34-42, 2022, (doi).

Peijian Shi, Johan Gielis, et al. 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1516(1), 123-134, 2022, (doi).

Kansheng Yang, Zhe Song, Johan Gielis, Diego Caratelli. A Super-Formula-Based Compact Ultra-Wide-Band antenna and its applications to indoor real-time positioning systems. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 64(11), 2103-2109, 2022, (doi).

Chuan Bi, Miao-Jung Yvonne Ou, Mustapha Bouhrara, Richard G. Spencer. Span of regularization for solution of inverse problems with application to magnetic resonance relaxometry of the brain. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20194, 2022, (doi).

Annie Cuyt, Yuan Hou, Wen-shin Lee. Validated analysis of modulated signals: from de Prony to Padé and beyond. J. Comp. Appl. Math., 413: Article 114346, 2022, (doi).

Markus Petz, Gerlind Plonka, Nadiia Derevianko. Exact Reconstruction of Sparse Non-Harmonic Signals from their Fourier Coefficients. Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, 19(7), 2021, (doi).

Gerlind Plonka, Therese von Wulffen. Deterministic Sparse Sublinear FFT with Improved Numerical Stability. Results Math. 76(2), 53, 2021, (doi).

Hanna Knirsch, Markus Petz, Gerlind Plonka. Optimal Rank-1 Hankel Approximation of Matrices: Frobenius Norm and Spectral Norm and Cadzow's Algorithm. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 629, 1-39. 2021, (doi).

Ridalise Louw, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee, Stefan J. Wijnholds, Dirk I. L. de Villiers, and Rina-Mari Weideman. Antenna position estimation through sub-sampled exponential analysis of signals in the near-field. Radio Science Letters, 3, 2021, (doi).

Refereed proceedings

Carla M. Pieterse, Mariet Venter, Dirk I.L. De Villiers. Investigating Frequency Dependency in Characteristic Basis Function Pattern Modelling with Geometric Perturbations. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Lisbon, Portugal, 2024, (doi).

Ramonika Sengupta, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt, David S. Prinsloo, Thomas Schäfer, A. Bart Smolders. Reducing the Elements in a Uniform Concentric Circular Array Using Variable Projection. 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2024, (doi).

Ramonika Sengupta, Annie Cuyt, Ferre Knaepkens, David S. Prinsloo, Thomas Schäfer, A. Bart Smolders. Reducing Grating Lobes in Sparse Linear Arrays Using Variable Projection. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/USNC-URSI), 2024, (doi).

Annie Cuyt, Jens M. Melenk, Stefan A. Sauter, Yuan Xu. Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials: new synergies with Numerical Analysis. Oberwolfach reports, vol. 20 issue 3, pp. 2489–2534, 2023, (doi).

Luciano Mescia, Pietro Bia, Johan Gielis, Diego Caratelli. Advanced Particle Swarm Optimization Methods for Electromagnetics. Athena Transactions in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1, 109-122, 2023, (doi).

Ramonika Sengupta, Annie Cuyt, David S. Prinsloo, Lukas Nyström and A.Bart Smolders. Sparse linear array synthesis using exponential analysis. 2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna  Measurements and Applications (CAMA), pp. 866-871, 2023.

Tim Stek, Dirk I.L de Villiers, Elmine Meyer, David S. Prinsloo. Towards Accelerating the Feed Design of a Series of Different Reflector Antennas. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, 2023.

Ridalise Louw, Rina-Mari Weideman, Dirk de Villiers, Annie Cuyt,  Stefan J. Wijnholds. Antenna position estimation results from in-situ measurement data. 2023 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2023.

Rina-Mari Weideman, Annie Cuyt, Dirk I.L. de Villiers. Characterising the Frequency Ripple in Antenna Noise Temperature Using Exponential Analysis. 2023 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2023, (doi).

Francisco Nicolau, Johan Gielis, Adalberto L. Simeone, Daniel Simões Lopes. Exploring and Selecting Supershapes in Virtual Reality with Line, Quad, and Cube Shaped Widgets. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 21-28), March 2022, (doi).

De Tommasi E., Rogato Al., Caratelli D., Mescia L., Gielis J. The mathematical biology of diatoms. Pappas, Janice L. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]. Scrivener publishing, John Wiley pp. 1-53, 2022, (link).

Rina-Mari Weideman, Ridalise Louw, Ferre Knaepkens, Dirk I. L. de Villiers, Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee. Simulated performance of antenna position estimation through sub-sampled exponential analysis. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Cape Town, South Africa, pp.128-132, 2022 (doi).

Markus Petz, Gerlind Plonka, Nadiia Derevianko. Rational Functions for the Reconstruction of Exponential Sums from their Fourier Coefficients. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. , 21 issue 1, 2021, (doi).

Ridalise Louw, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee, Stefan J. Wijnholds, Dirk I. L. de Villiers, Rina-Mari Weideman. Antenna position estimation through sub-sampled exponential analysis of harmonically related input signals. In URSI–GASS 2021 Proceedings, pp. 1–5. IEEE, 2021, (doi).


Gerlind Plonka, Daniel Potts, Gabriele Steidl, Manfred Tasche. Numerical Fourier Analysis. Birkhäuser Cham, second edition, 2023, (doi).

Paolo Emilio Ricci, Johan Gielis. From Pythagoras to Fourier and from Geometry to Nature. Athena Publishing, Amsterdam, 2022. 

(Social) media

Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar Invite. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, February 23, 2023.

EU H2020 R&I Maths Project. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, September 29, 2023.

NATO Women Experts Meeting. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, June 30, 2023.

Mathematicians and Industry Join Forces to Expand Reach of Personalised Healthcare. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, May 26, 2023.

SIAM Conference. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, March 31, 2023

NATO Research Specialists' Meeting. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, March 1, 2023.

LMS Women in Mathematics Day. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, October 28, 2022.

LMS Women in Mathematics Day. LMS Newsletter, Issue 502, September 2022.

LMS Women in Mathematics Day. University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, August 26, 2022.

EXPOWER’s Ice Breaker: 'Unleashing the power of exponential functions'. ASTRON Daily Image, May 20, 2022.

ASTRON hosted the first consortium-wide Ice-Breaker event for the EXPOWER project. May 20, 2022.

The power of exponents: UD's Ou part of international research team awarded European Union grant. UDaily: University-wide newsletter of the University of Delaware, February 10, 2022.

EU grant success: "EXPOWER". University of Stirling Faculty of Natural Sciences Newsletter, December 11, 2020.